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Drag queens vary according to city, location, and date. All attendees have the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of the best drag queens in the area, with special appearances from drag Madonna, Dolly Parton, Celine Dion, Celia Cruz, Liza Minnelli, Adele, Nicki Minaj, Whitney Houston, Sia, Britney Spears, Beyoncé and many more. The Diva Royal Drag Queen Show NYC is both a drag queen dinner and drag brunch show that includes everything from costumes, singing, and dancing, to female celebrity impersonations. Touted as the 'best drag show New York City has ever seen,' when the drag queens come out on stage, everyone is immediately captivated by the professionalism and experience that is on-par with a Rupaul Drag Race Show. New York is home to its fair share of drag queen shows but, none of those performances compare to the spectacle, awe, and wonder that's embodied inside of the Diva Royal Drag Queen Show.

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The #1 Drag Queen Dinner Show Has Arrived in New York City:

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