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“As unfortunate and unsettling as the incident was, Chappelle went on with the show. “The performances by Chappelle at the Hollywood Bowl were epic and record-breaking and he refuses to allow last night’s incident to overshadow the magic of this historic moment,” Chapelle’s publicist Carla Sims said in a statement. He grabbed the mic and jokingly asked, “Was that Will Smith?” The 2018 Los Angeles Public Library Gala held at the Intercontinental Hotel on Sept. Jamie Foxx was in the wings of the stage and Chappelle thanked him for responding to the attack. A survey of 200 matchbooks from a bygone era of L.A.'s gay bar scene at the downtown Central Library. Mendez said the department did not name the celebrity because it does not confirm victim names.Ĭhappelle was performing his stand-up routine on the last of four nights at the amphitheater as part of the “Netflix Is a Joke” festival when the man rushed on stage and tackled him. Mendez said a “famous comedian was performing” when Lee jumped onto the stage, tackled the celebrity and produced the replica handgun containing a knife blade.

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It was not immediately known if he had retained a lawyer. Lee was treated by medical staff for an unspecified injury and was booked into jail early Wednesday and held in lieu of $30,000 bail, Mendez said.

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